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2021 - 2022

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Our Events

The past events hosted by UIUC TSA. We plan to cut the main events in to four main ones and several smalls. The main events will be Kick-off Party, Mid Autumn Festival BBQ, New Year Banquet, and New Students Orientation. We will highlight social and networking in our fall semester smaller and sporadic events; informative (career, taxation, immigration status, etc.) in spring semester events. Please stay tuned for more information! 

Mid Autumn Festival

Mid Autumn Festival

We normally host our Mid Autumn Festival at the same weekend of the full moon. With reasonable price, you can enjoy authentic Taiwanese style BBQ. Ready to get nostalgic and homesick!

Corn Maze

Corn Maze

It's a special event in Champaign; normally happened after the corn harvest and Champaign's famous for corn. Come join us for such absurd yet cute event this year!

Song with TSA

Song with TSA

It was an experimental serial events hosted by TSA last year for its members. It is more about chilling and bonding (as we can see "song" = "爽"). We will have similar events this fall but not in serial and not regularly.

TSA Chinese New Year Party

Chinese New Year

Again, whenever there's festival, there's tear - 每逢佳節倍思親。While we can't go home to unite with our family, we can at least come together as Taiwanese community to celebrate lunar new year together!

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